Monday, August 31, 2009
Sweet Font Though...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
New Plural Rule - A=Apostrophe O=No Apostrophe

This is the sign from an establishment on the Boardwalk in Ocean City, New Jersey. As you can see, plurals of words ending in O are formed properly while plurals of words ending in A are formed with an apostrophe. I suppose that's a new rule learned only in select elementary school English classes. S after O but not after A, instead you insert an apostrophe. It's taught right after the lesson on adding -es to make a plural and just before the lesson on deer and deer.
It continues to beg the question whether the sign makers say anything when presented with the instructions for the sign.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
When the Missing Apostrophe is the Least of Your Problems
This first came to my attention because of the obvious missing apostrophe in "Dicks." All well and good, but not too compelling, especially since Dick's stylish letter design probably limited his flexibility in adding the apostrophe. Maybe he knew he needed it, but why sacrifice the perfect balance of those five letters with the burden of a little apostrophe? I probably would have appreciated better the apparent punning use of "buy" instead of "by" in "buy the bagfull" if I wasn't already suspicious of Dick's mastery of English grammar. Did he really mean it? Is it actually clever?
But I really began to question Dick's sanity when I considered the center of the sign. What creature is that holding the hamburger? Is it a skunk? A teddy bear with a cute puffy tail? A koala? And why is the mysterious fluffy creature feeding the hamburger to a rooster with that furtive look in its eye? Is this Dick's response to the Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin'" campaign? "Hey, chikin' eat mor meet."
Sara's note: "Bagfull" should actually be spelled "bagful." Man, this sign is a mess.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Not So Happy Heinys

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Kicking the Misfit Apostrophes Way Old School

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Love Drunk, but Apostrophe Deprived

Friday, August 14, 2009
Sign Language on Wheels?

I think the best part about a mistake is when the person makes it repeatedly so you know that they really meant it when they were wrong. "Paul Signs" appears in no less than five places on this truck. I bet your first thought upon seeing this wonder on wheels was that Paul wanted the world to know about his mad sign language skills. That was my first guess. But no, because he also specializes in awnings. Since 1984! Do you think he's been driving this truck around NYC for 25 years and no one bothered to tell him? Is he the one responsible for all of the misspelled signs around the city? In the interest of good business, if one is a maker of signs, shouldn't their own signs be correct?
Disclaimer: I'm willing to accept that this might be okay, but Becky and I decided prior to posting that it was still funny, mostly because without the apostrophe, it's a complete sentence. If you're not willing to accept that this is a misfit apostrophe, do not fear, we have many more pictures in the pipeline.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Ugly Betty
I took this picture of my TV after pausing the DVR. This episode was called "Zero Worship" and was aired in January of 2008. The picture is of an invitation to the Mode Fashion Show during Fashion Week in New York. Adding an apostrophe to gets is my favorite of all misfit apostrophe placements. It's one thing to mess up its and it's. I can understand that. It's entirely another to add an apostrophe to a word that would never need one. What does get own? Do you ever use the phrase "get is"?
I wonder if anyone else even noticed this...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
In Search of the Wal-Mart's Bus
Anyway, I thought it was just a verbal expression that people used. Then, when I was at the mall in Albany once, I saw a public bus that displays its destination on the front. The destination was listed as Wal-Mart's. I have actually now seen it two or three times, but have not been able to get a picture. I would LOVE to have a picture of that.
Again, how is it that someone lets that go by? And if you can understand how it happens for one day, how is it that nobody who works for the bus company catches it so that it doesn't persist?
I am on a mission to take a picture of that bus. If anyone has seen it, please send a picture along.
The Sign that Started it All

I took this picture two years ago when I went to see my husband work in Durham. This sign is at the concession stand in the stadium where the Durham Bulls play. I'm not sure what the dogs own. Is it the dogs' drinks and popcorn? What kind of dog sells drinks and popcorn? If it is the dogs' drinks and popcorn, why the comma after dogs? Or, if the apostrophe was indeed appropriate, why isn't there an apostrophe after drinks or popcorn?
After seeing this sign, I began to wonder who approved the sign. I guess I could see it slipping by one person, but then wasn't there a proof? Then I thought about all of the people who work for the Durham Bulls who go to the stadium every day. Don't they notice the sign? Why hasn't anyone said anything? I can't believe nobody working there has taken a stand and insisted that the sign be fixed. Is nobody embarrassed? I have not gone back recently, so I am not sure if it has been changed. If anyone lives in Durham and can verify whether this sign still exists, please let us know.
This sign was the one that started my obsession with signs that have inappropriate apostrophe placement.
Intro to Misfit Apostrophe's
Please be on the lookout for more misfits as we collect them in the Land of Misfit Apostrophe's.