Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ugly Betty

I took this picture of my TV after pausing the DVR. This episode was called "Zero Worship" and was aired in January of 2008. The picture is of an invitation to the Mode Fashion Show during Fashion Week in New York. Adding an apostrophe to gets is my favorite of all misfit apostrophe placements. It's one thing to mess up its and it's. I can understand that. It's entirely another to add an apostrophe to a word that would never need one. What does get own? Do you ever use the phrase "get is"?

I wonder if anyone else even noticed this...

1 comment:

  1. I hereby solemnly swear to be on the lookout for misfit apostrophes. This is good work, Becky. Good work indeed.
    Have you heard about Vermont removing apostrophes from various signs and things? Google it. Interesting. You are truly on to something.
