Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Search of the Wal-Mart's Bus

I live in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, but I grew up in South Jersey. I have noticed in the years that I have lived here that people like to add an apostrophe s to names of stores. I think that probably happens everywhere, but it seems to be quite pervasive here. My favorite is when people use Wal-Mart's as in, "I'm going to Wal-Mart's, do you need anything?" I think I understand why people might do it when it is a store like Aubuchon Hardware and people say Aubuchon's Hardware like someone named Aubuchon owns the hardware store. But the Wal-Mart name stands alone and people still do it. There's also Panera's, Costco's and a whole list of other places.

Anyway, I thought it was just a verbal expression that people used. Then, when I was at the mall in Albany once, I saw a public bus that displays its destination on the front. The destination was listed as Wal-Mart's. I have actually now seen it two or three times, but have not been able to get a picture. I would LOVE to have a picture of that.

Again, how is it that someone lets that go by? And if you can understand how it happens for one day, how is it that nobody who works for the bus company catches it so that it doesn't persist?

I am on a mission to take a picture of that bus. If anyone has seen it, please send a picture along.

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